Wellness checkups are an essential piece of your pet’s overall health. When you tend to daily elements of pet wellness, you follow the path toward long-term health for your furry friends. Keep reading to learn more about how these checkups can enhance the time you have with your pets.
Guarding Against Parasites
Even though we recommend year-round parasite prevention medication, many pet owners opt out of monthly medication during the colder weather. While the numbers of many parasites do drop considerably in colder temperatures, they never fully disappear.
Fleas, ticks and mosquitos become more active in spring. Preventing heartworm disease, cat scratch disease, Lyme disease and other tick-borne illness is at the forefront of spring pet wellness. In addition to an oral medication, topical treatment or even injectable prevention medication are all viable options.
Lyme disease and tapeworm can affect both pets and people alike. Plus, fleas can take over your entire household leading to an infestation eradication process that can be lengthy and expensive.
Seasonal Pet Care
Exposure to other animals reaches a peak during the spring months. The risk of various contagious diseases, including parvovirus, kennel cough, distemper, and rabies becomes higher as predators roam neighborhoods in search of mates and food. Additionally, there are always risks around daycare, boarding and grooming facilities, dog parks, and places where livestock and wildlife overlap.
If your pet is due for any vaccinations, spring is the perfect time to get them protected. Schedule a wellness exam so we can assess their overall health, discuss their lifestyle risks, and create a plan that prioritizes their wellness.
Other Aspects of Pet Checkups
When you bring your pet in to see us this spring, we will take the time to talk about their exercise needs and nutritional guidelines. Since many of us gain a little weight in the fall and winter, the spring creates a great opportunity to tackle any extra pounds.
We will take a close look at the skin, as many seasonal allergies can lead to itchy skin, watery eyes, and certain behaviors like excessive licking. Since triggers of spring allergies, like pollen, grass, and mold seem inescapable, we can help your pet find relief from itching, infection, and pain.
Pet Health Tips for Spring
We can also help you with your pet’s microchip, dental health, behavior, and enrichment needs at their spring wellness exam. Please let us know if you have any questions by calling us at (530) 533‑7513. Oroville Animal Health Center is always here to help your pet!